Online Personal Training

Online programs are great if you don't have a clue where to start but you have the motivation to do it alone. They can be tailored to your needs. They are an accessible way to start your journey with some guidance while having the freedom you need as a new parent to workout WHENEVER you can!

No one has a perfect schedule, some days we need to adjust and roll with what’s happening. Online services provide you with the tailored exercises you need while giving you the freedom to do them when you like.

What you’ll get.

  • An app on your phone to access the database of video exercises given

  • Workout plans tailored to your needs

  • Instant messaging with me during business hours

  • 1 Monthly Zoom check in to assess the exercises

  • Option to add on more Zoom 1 on 1 sessions if you need accountability with the workout plan.

Whether you are pregnant, newly postpartum or a seasoned mom, online programming can work for you.