Fit and Eats

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8 tips to motivate a new mom

As a busy mom it can be hard to find the time and motivation to workout and eat healthy. We come up with so many excuses to put it off and off. “I don’t have the time”, “I’m too tired” or even worse “I need to clean the house”. Then before we know it its bed time! When I first became a mom I REALLY REALLY struggled to find a routine and get the workouts in. At first I was in so much pain, I didn’t even want to go out for a walk. As a first time mom, no one really prepared me for the changes my body would go through.


Eventually I found my swing and everything else is history so to say. Here are 8 things to help YOU find your motivation;

1.       Find a routine. If you schedule a time in the day to workout, you are more likely to complete it. Stick to a similar time every day and pick the same days each week. After a few weeks of perseverance you will find it easy to include.

2.       Positive affirmations. This is one of the easiest things to start doing. All you need to do is find a few short sentences that have meaning to you and repeat them every day. Something as simple as ‘I can do this’ or ‘I am worth it’ may be all it takes. The more you repeat them, the more of a positive response your brain has. Therefore the more inclined you will be to exercise. Think yourself thin!!

3.       Put on your workout clothes. If you can do something as easy as putting on your clothes then you are halfway there. I LOVE my yoga pants and yes I spent a lot of my postpartum days wearing them for the WRONG reason. Pick your best workout gear to give you a mental boost in the right direction. OR if nothing fits, go out and treat yourself to something new.

4.       Set realistic goals. If you set your goals to high at the beginning you are bound to get demotivated. Social media can be a maze of misconception…..women who are back to pre-pregnancy weight in just three weeks, WHAT?? Slow and steady wins the race.

5.       Have fun with exercise. If you don’t enjoy the workouts then why would you keep doing them? Now this doesn’t mean that exercise is pleasant, it should still be a challenge. However if you don’t enjoy running, don’t run. If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, don’t go to the gym. There are so many options out there. Go find what you like to do the best.

6.       Reward yourself. Now this doesn’t mean go out and buy a chocolate bar when you lose 10lbs….however you can find a deliciously healthy recipe for avocado chocolate mousse. Just don’t eat the WHOLE thing.

7.       Accountability.  I find using social media keeps me accountable for my actions. Posting healthy food and workouts keep me on track and gives me the motivation I need to exercise. If you can do it yourself, rally up the troops…..husband, friend, mom. Anyone who can keep you in check.

8.       Find inspiration. For this it could be ANYTHING you like, a target outfit, a celebrity, an image or a quote. Pick something that you can check in with and will drive you to be that better version of you.

