no time? no excuse!

A common complaint I hear again and again is "I have no time to exercise" and it saddens me that many women think you need to spend hours at the gym to get the body you want. The quickest way to get results is with an in home workout!! First off I want to say YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. A healthy body begins with SELF LOVE! Secondly, you DON'T need to spend hours every week at the gym to change your body. Yes it takes effort and yes it takes motivation and yet is takes time, but if you learn tricks to include exercise in your day to day life you are half way there. Now it doesn't JUST take these methods to trim up and lose the baby weight.....but it sure helps.

So listen closely to some of my simple rules to follow so you can begin too see the results you crave with your very own in home workout.

1. Brushing your teeth....That's two minutes where you can't do anything else (unless you're really good at one handed tasks) For these two minutes (and my electric tooth brush times me) try to do as many squats as you can. You can change it up each time, one day you can do regular squats, the next day you might do a sumo squat. If you get really good, use the bath tub and do split squats with one foot on the tub!

2. Unloading the dishwasher...Next time why not try doing a wall sit against the kitchen cabinets. Load up the dishes on your knees to add weight as you go along. You can also lunge, squat, lateral leg raises or even butt kicks as you unload. 

3. Walking up stairs....I seem to go up and down stairs all day. I forget things ALL the time so I end up doing the stairs way more than before I had kiddies. Why not try running up and down twice (takes just as long as walking up once), squat on each step, skip a step and add a knee up, side step up or if you don't have pelvic floor issues or Diastasis Recti...try jump squats up the steps.

4. Bath time....Another moment in time when you have nothing else you can do. Its easier to do this with toddlers and older children as they can sit up, wash themselves and spends MOST of the time playing! Add a few exercises into you routine. I like push ups on the bath tub, plank on the bath tub, mountain climb and plank rotations! All while trying not the get wet.

5. Sweeping the floor/vacuum cleaning...Put your back into this one. You can pick any traveling movement for this. Lunge, side step squat, jump, butt kicks and lateral leg abductions. 

Now most of you are probably thinking...."this woman is crazy!" as if I have the energy to add these to my already exhausting day! Dont worry, I like to introduce exercise little by little. Don't try to do these ALL in one day, you are more likely to fail if you do. Pick one to try out first, then another week add a second and so on. A healthy body is all about your lifestyle, not a fad diet or a quick 30 day challenge. 

Happy workouts mamas, don't give up!!

Please remember to consult with a medical professional before entering into a new workout regime.

7 min HIIT home workout - with socks!!

For all you moms who don’t have time to get to a gym, OR don’t feel comfortable going to a gym….here is a little workout for you!! You don’t need equipment to get the full benefits of exercise, you don’t even need a lot of time! We can all find 7 minutes in our day right? That’s all this workout needs, unless you want to repeat the workout multiple times to get in a full 24 min session.

The challenges a mother can face in a day really puts you off getting a workout in. Some days I will go to the gym for a ‘break’ from my daughter, some days I’ll do my workout with her, then others I’ll wait till she naps. Either way I make it a habit to exercise. Now this doesn’t have to be an hour long workout. It can be anything from 7 mins to 60 mins (sometimes 90 depending on how much of a break I need). You will find which time of the day suits you best. If you are a new mom, the times will change as you go through peaks and troughs with your little.

The BEST thing about a home workout is you can do it in the comfort of your own home, with no one watching you (except maybe a baby/toddler).

With this work out you can modify the exercises to suit you, do each one for 60 seconds and rest for 30. Repeat three times if needed;

  • Exercise ONE: Jump switch lunge OR alternate lunge
  • Exercise TWO: Jumping lateral leg slide OR single leg slide (30 secs each side)
  • Exercise THREE: Sliding mountain climb (fast) OR sliding mountain climb (slow)
  • Exercise FOUR: Sliding plank abduction on hands OR sliding plank abduction on elbows
  • Exercise FIVE: Balancing leg slide side and back  

NOT suitable for Diastasis Recti, pelvic floor issues or beyond the first trimester in pregnancy.

Please remember to consult with a medical professional before entering into a new workout regime.

the mighty push-up

The mighty push-up or press-up as known in some countries. A great FULL body exercise used by many personal trainers and fitness professionals across the world. Most people know it as a chest exercise, which it is...but it can do so much more when done correctly. When done in a high plank position, the body needs the core, glutes, anterior delts, triceps and hamstrings to stabilize the position. So why are so many people doing the ‘lady’ version...when your knees are on the floor?

To me, the ‘lady’ push-up seems counterproductive and sexist to say the least. Why should this version be named after us? AND why are we still doing them? Not only does it take out the lower body element, makes it really tough to activate your core effectively, but it also renders it seemingly impossible to progress into a full push-up.

Follow these simple progressions to help you through any phase in your life;

The wall push-up – A GREAT exercise to use when you are pregnant as you can activate your core without adding to much pressure to your abdominal wall. It uses your full body whilst strengthening and toning your upper body. For an added challenge, use a stability ball between you and the wall. Not only can you do this when pregnant but if you suffer from Diastasis Recti (DR) too. Include these into your program once you have completed a few foundation moves and can effectively activate your core muscle group.

The incline push-up – Once you find the wall push up easy and you are not pregnant, you can progress into the incline push-up. The great thing about the incline push up is you can pick a level that suits you and adapt it as needed. Most people have a staircase in their house and this is where I tell most of my clients to do their push-ups. Pick a step that is challenging but where you are able to maintain form and reduce the level when needed until you no longer need a step. This is by FAR the best way to learn how to do a full push-up.


The full push-up – Not an easy move and not to be done if you suffer from DR or are pregnant as it can increase the gap between your abs (stretching the linea alba). The key here is to keep your bum down, but not dipped (maintain a flat back by pulling your abs in towards your spine). Don’t T your arms out to the side, keep a 20-40 degree angle from your torso to your upper arm (this applies to ALL push-ups explained above). Lower as close to the ground as possible, PAUSE and return to the top.

The decline push-up – Not for the faint hearted! Definitely an advanced move for us mamas who are well beyond our postpartum phase and have zero separation of the abs. I’m not great at them myself but it is something I’m working on. Adding a step to your feet will increase the use of shoulders and upper chest.

Have fun with exercise and don’t be afraid to try new things…If you HATE push-ups because they are so hard, try one of these versions to keep you on track!


Eden trying to do a push-up and telling daddy he had to do one too…she is a great ring leader and hopefully one day will be a great leader! Lead by example mamas!

Please remember to consult with a medical professional before entering into an exercise regime.

legs legs legs + toddler

Are you ready for a killer leg workout?? I did this workout and by the end my legs were ready to give in. Today was a day I didn't really feel like working out, but I took my own advice and put on my gym clothes and instantly felt like going to the gym. I filmed this a little later on when my husband was home but I did this as part of my workout earlier in the day. Its even more fun when Eden joins in, it acts as a distraction form the pain (and sometimes an excuse to pause hehe). Whether you decide to do it alone or with a mini person, you will love your legs afterwards!


Do 60 seconds of each exercise, complete each exercise back to back with very little/no pausing. REST for 60 seconds then repeat 4 times through (total time 20 mins). Now who doesn't have 20 mins to fit into their day right??

  1. Get Up/Kneel Down (keep low)
  2. Bridge (Hip Thrusts if you are pregnant)
  3. Forward/Backward shuffle (I should have been lower, but keep low)
  4. Frog Squat Jump back (avoid if pregnant or have Diastasis Recti, stick to a squat with pulse at the bottom)
  5. 60 seconds REST

Please remember to get clearance and consult with a medical professional before commencing a workout regime

stroller exercise

Its the new BIG thing, exercising with your stroller. There are bootcamps popping up all over the place. I am loving how more and more is available for the moms out there! The great thing about stroller workouts is it enables busy moms to workout while the baby is content all snuggled up in their stroller. The benefits are that the movement rocks, relaxes and may even put baby to sleep. But you don't need to go to a specific class to get the benefits. I know for me I struggled fitting in a whole class into my day, not to mention getting there on time! What with the constant feeding and the exploding diapers, I never made it out on time!

Luckily your stroller can go anywhere, anytime! I use to LOVE going out for a walk in the morning while the air was fresh and I still had energy. I listened to the birds singing and watched the squirrels running around. While i was on my walks, I wouldn't STROLL I would walk at a decent pace adding in a few extra moves along the way.

Instead of stressing about fitting in a class (unless that's what you like) follow these simple yet effective moves with your stroller to become fit, buff and strong!

  • Forward facing squat with abduction
  • Alternating Lunge with a kickback
  • Side facing squat
  • Jogging butt kicks**
  • Low side shuffle
  • Forward jumps**

Aim to do about 20 reps for each exercise and repeat three times during your walk. Focus on holding your core tight throughout the exercises, inhale on the lower and exhale on the LIFT!

**If you have any form of pelvic floor dysfunction please modify the exercises. No jump squats (just walking squats) and no jogging butt kicks (again just walking butt kicks) until you are fully healed and can withstand a jumping action

Happy Workouts, ENJOY!!!

Please remember to get clearance and consult with a medical professional before commencing a workout regime